Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Myth 1: 1st year is the best year!

Ramai org kte 1st year is the best year...when ur partner treat u nicely,people will say "ala...br2 lg...mmg la mcm tu...tgk lme2 nnt xde la..." xpn ayt fav my sis "thn pertama!" but how far the truth is?

Prnh la aku bc dlm cleo, dlm dunia niyh 'only 4% couple can make it to be as sweet as they were from their 1st year until the end of their life...' hurm...susah nk kekalkn ke'sweet'an boleh je klo kite nk...mmg la adat manusia akn jd boring myb setiap thn kne bwt bnde2 br supaya relationship tu x boring...

Stage for relationship:
1st 6 month : at this stage,kite akn tgh sronok dgn each other tp br nk knl2...xkesah la walaupn org tu korek idung pki garfu pn kite akn rase bnde tu cute...time niyh mmg pling x leh pikir time niyh jgk relationship x strong lg.klo couple dgn org br break,jg2 dlm mse 6 bulan niyh,die mungkin akn blk dgn ex die...

6 month - 1 year : mse time niyh plak.kite akn try tu accpt each other punyer weakness...klo mse mule2 semua bnde yg partner kite bwt nmpk sweet,time niyh semua nde yg partner kite bwt akn nmpk buruk or  x mnrik sgt...kite akn expct prtner kite lyn kite mcm pakwe kwn2 kite lyn diorg...mse time niyh,ape yg kite bleh bwt is try to look at the good side of our partner...biase la,semua org ade buruk baik die...

1 year - 2 years : mse niyh dh knl buruk baik,slalunyer x byk mslh sgt sbb dh tau ape yg partner ske n ape yg partner kite x ske...klo boleh try to avoid bwt ape yg each other x ske sbb mls la nk gduh kn...klo rse nk serious sesuai la jmpe mak bpk...

2 years - 3 years : DANGEROUS STAGE! slalunyer x tau npe,byk couple xleh lepas halangan niyh iaitu org ke3...slalunyer klo bkn kite,prtner kite akn curng...mcm2 sebab boleh d jdkn alsan knpe pihak yg curng pilih untk ade org laen.myb sbb rse prtner msing2 dh x mnrik atupn sbb sje2 ske2... at this time slalunyer couple yg bleh lepas adelah couple yg boleh memaafkn psgn yg curng tu...

3 years - 4 years : one word, BORING! mse niyh dh strt boring,so elok2 la tunang ke or kawen ke...sbb klo x nnt tkot ade yg break sbb "i dh xde rse ape2 dkt u..." sedih la break mcm tu...mcm xde alasn yg relvnt untk break pn sbnrnyer...

4 years n above ; conflict myb tetap akn ade, tp dgn cara yg len...exmpl myb partner kite accdnt n jd cacat ke,kne simbh acid x psl2 ke...or mcm2 mcm org tua2 slalu kte,klo ade jodoh tu ade la...kl xde jodoh cari laen...abis cite...idup niyh sng je sbnrnyer...

*poem untk kali niyh sesuai ikot thn couple bsed on situation kt atas niyh...Enjoy...~ :)

If tea cup is not enough for u, I rather be a pot…
If heels make me taller, I rather be short…
If you can’t stand with the cold, I rather be in hot…
If loving you is hurting you, I rather not…

If you were wine, I will enjoy u slowly…
If you were bear, I will hold u tightly…
If you were flowers, I will smell you daily….
If you were mine, I will love u perfectly….

 If I never met u, I won’t feel the happiness…
 If I don’t kiss you, I won’t be missing you…
If I never touch you, I won’t feel the warmness…
If I don’t love you, I won’t be crying for you...

If I have to walk for a thousand miles, I won’t use car…
 If I have to fight for you, I won’t care of having scars…
If I have to search for you at the end of the world, I promise I’ll go that far…
If I have to bring the sky for you, I’ll bring you stars…

1 comment:

  1. likeeeeeee!ure a good writer la iti.hahah.but maybe u can try to write it mcm full.mcm xBAHASA SMS TIMAH TU.hahaha.(mcm sial kannnnn?HAHA)
