Saturday, March 19, 2011

Myth 4: relationship is like CANCER...once it come to the last stage u can't do anything with it...

Mase mula2 knl,semua benda psl relationship tu menarik...ape je yg die bwt,semua akn bwt kita lme2,u can see ur relationship is dying...and the sad thing about it,its happen without any reason...semua org harapkn relationship yg akn kekal smpi bila2...klo break sbb ade alasan mcm sbb ade org laen ke,berbeza darjat je,partner kite kaki pukul ke xpe la ade jgk stgh psgn yg confuse untk endkn relationship tu ke x sbb diorg hanya ade satu alasan which is 'no more spark'!

Hurm...slalunyer bile dh xde spark tu la,each other akn tend tu cari org laen...prevention is better than cure,jd sebelum jmpa org laen baik kite amik precaution step untk selamatkn relationship tu...

semua org yg x bisu boleh b' prasan x makin lame relationship tu,makin xde bnde untk d borakkn...bile kite tnye prtner kite,jwpn yg slalu kita akn dpt adalah "xde ape2" sbb byk bnde each other dh tau...klo mule2 knl ye la, boleh ckp psl "awak ske minum ape?" "ske mkn pki tangan ke garfu?" "ape colour fav u?" n etc klo dh lme couple mmg cari pasal la klo br nk tnye psl fav drink prtner ape je yg kite bleh borakkn bile dh couple b'thn2???

cube jgn limitkn talk tu hanya b'kaitn dgn perkara hati dan perasaan je...slalunyer tahun2 awal2 ye la...10 kali sehari nk tnye "u syg i ke x?" tp klo dh 2,3 thn,xkn nk tnye lg...ari2 bile gayut tnye "syg bwt ape arinie?" yg awek tu plak jwb "bgn pg,g clas,pstu lunch then msk clas blk then dinner n mlm stdy..." esk tnye lg soaln yg sme,jwpn pn sme...SUMPAH BOSAN! prsn x klo kwn2,slalunyer diorg x prnh boring dgn topic perbualan diorg...sbb topic tu lbh global...diorg bleh mengmpt,ckp psl family,stdy n mcm2 lg...sbnrnyer couple pn patut mcm tu...mungkin arinie bleh borak psl pemimpin malaysia yg pling hebat,esk borak psl org kaye mlysia yg pling hot plak,then lusa ckp psl bnde laen plak...jd xde la boring...

2. Truth...
Be truthful with urself n ur partner! bnde niyh bkn hanya meliputi perkara yg b'kaitn dgn curang... yg tu mmg dh comfirm la xleh bwt...spe yg nsb baik sgt je stil bleh kekalkn relationship tu walaupn ade psgn yg lg satu curng... tp truthful yg aku nk smpikn d sini trmsuk jgk dgn perangai...ape yg kite ske,ape yg kite x ske jujur je la dgn partner kita...klo die bleh b'ubh alhamdulillah. tp klo x b'ubah jgk time niyh la kite kne be truth dgn our own feeling...boleh n sanggup ke kite hidup dgn die untk b'puluh2 thn lg dgn prngai die yg mcm niyh? mungkin bnde yg kite x ske psl die adelah die ske sepak kucing...everytime jmpe kucing msti die akn sepak,paling kurng sepak try la ckp dgn die "i x ske la u ske sepak kucing...".klo die xleh b'ubh n korg plak sorg pencinta kucing,msti la korg x snggup hidup dgn die klo korg pn biase2 je,x heran la klo diorg nk sepak kucing ari2 asalkn diorg syg korg kn...

This is call the power of touch! mksudnye bkn la aku nk korg b'cium sakan kt dpn public mcm stgh org ske bwt tu...bnde klo dpt ari2 pn xbest pernah x tgk kt tv,mse awek die tgh bwt sumting,boyfren die panggil nme die n bile die pusing *CUP! kat pipi...SWEET! bg aku la...sbb perempuan x ske laki yg daring sgt bile bab2 sexual touch when the touch come once in a blue moon,so bnde tu jd hug her from behind sometimes but don not ask for a french kiss everyday!

klo nk hidup sme2 smpai tua,bende niyh mmg penting...klo dua2 nk merajuk,spe yg nk pujuk...semua org x ske say sorry. that's the fact! tp ape yg m'bezakn diorg adekah diorg snggup untk say sorry untk partner msing2? x salah kite say sorry untk kita jaga hati org yg kita syg...bile masing2 ego,myb one of us bleh mng dlm argument tu tp ingt yg kite klh sbb x dpt perthnkn relationship tu...makin lme,kita akn makin benci kt each lebih baik kite tolerate je dgn partner kite...ingt semua bnde baik yg die prnh bwt untk amik hati kita,so x slh klo kite bwt sumting untk amik hati die...

Surprise!!! menariknyer bile ade org ckp mcm niyh kt kita...semua org yg normal akn ske surprise...bile dpt surprise,sum1 tu akn rase lbh d hargai...msti tiap2 kali birtday org akn harapkn surprise brpe kali kite surprisekn org yg kite syg? slalunyer org x bwt surprise sbb bile dh bwt,bende tu akn jd sgt b'makna walaupn end up akn penat gilerrrr!!! x semestinyer surprise kne bwt bile birthday je...bnde2 kecik pn bleh jd surprise...

Surprise become romantic when it happen when u least expected! so klo korg mmg mls nk msk,ape kte korg mskkn sumting untk partner korg...msti die akn rse sgt sweet! xpn untk lelaki,blikn die bunga tiba2 juz to say how much u love her...xyh byk kuntum,walaupn sekumtum yg korg petik dari tepi jln pn klo die syg korg,die akn rase bunga tu sweet! :)

6. Start again...
Bile dh lme2,semua org akn rase boring...tmbh lg bile dh ape je yg boleh kita bwt adalah untk strt blk relationship tu...try ingt ape yg ade dgn partner kita yg bwt kita jatuh cinta dgn die sme awal2 couple dlu...cerita blk kengnn lme yg sweet,pengorbanan masing2 kt satu sama laen dan klo boleh,pergi la bwt repeat 1st date mcm dlu.flirt with each other,give compliment or anything as long as korg anggp mcm br2 couple...klo prntner kite prnh bwt ape2 silap,do fprgive n forget..itu je yg boleh kite bwt untk baikkn keadaan. if u can't forget about the past,then just forget about the relationship!

Jangan biarkn keadaan jd lbh teruk. so selamtkn la relationship tu sementara kita msih syg kt satu sme lg...klo relationship tu dh smpai last stage,mmg xleh nk bwt ape2 la...tambah2 lg bila masing2 mcm dh ade pengganti yg diorg rase lbh menarik...sedeyh kot!!!!

p/s : nk poem untk break? amik niyh...nanges kot mase bwt poem niyh...hahahahaa... :D

Too Late

You’re not that hot,You’re not that cool,
But I really love you,And it’s not a fool…

I can see you,But I can’t touch you…
I can feel you,But I can’t have you…

No need for me to make a noise…
You make your choice…
It is your voice…

It was something that I regret…
But it is the thing I never forget…
I’m begging you like a slave…
But I know it just a waste…

Your words have been sharper than a blade…
Become the rebellion for my love parade…
I’ve been missing you from the day we separate…
Now I realized it’s already too late….

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