Monday, April 11, 2011

Myth 5 : you need a reason to break up...

Is it true that we need to have at least a reason to break up? hurm...x tau la ye ke x bnde klo kite ckp nk break up,org msti akn tnye sbb knpe nk break? klo x org laen,partner kite la yg akn tnye npe kite nk break dgn die...lps bwt ijtihad yg berterusan,bg aku ade beberape sbb org slalu pilih untk break up...xpn klo korg rse ade tnde2 niyh dlm relationship,mknenye dh 'retak menanti belah' la tu...

1st reason : You cheat or have been cheated in the relationship...
Curang! biase la tu...slalu sng dgr...mnde niyh mcm alasan pling best untk d jadikan alasan nk break...klo partner kite curang,mmg la sedih mcm nk mknenye die dh x syg ape lg,move on klo kite plak yg curang,mknenye kite yg x syg die yg patut move on la...lgpn kite msti rase malu nk jmpe die lg lps ape yg kite bwt...klo relationship tu still continue pn,msti pihak yg ditipu tu akn asyik ungkit,ungkit dan remember, what goes around comes around...kite bwt kt org,nnt org bwt kt kite blk...relationship yg berasaskn ke'curang'an niyh xkn kekal klo masing2 sibuk nak bls dendam...

2nd reason : You'd lost ur interest towards him/her...
You seldomly talk about your partner when u r with ur fren...klo dlu bf aku mcm niyh,bf aku mcm tu,bile org laen berckp,,korg pn ade je bnde yg korg nk ckp psl bf tu dlu la...tetibe skrg lme dh mcm x sebut nme tu...nk sebut sehari sekali pn mcm susah sgt...jeng...jeng..jeng! maknenyer die dh x se'menarik' tu dlm hidup korg dh...myb jugk korg less spend time x byk bnde yg boleh di solution kpde bnde niyh,slalu2 la jmpe...bwt sumting yg baru so that x boring...bile salah sorg dh boring,mmg xleh nk ckp ape dh la....

3rd reason : He/sh hurt u in any way...
x kesah la physically torture,ataupn dalaman,korg slalu rase sakit...ade yg rase sakit2 bdn sbb kne pukul,org ade yg sakit hati sbb slalu kne maki,ataupn ade yg sakit2 perut sbb kne pakse makan maknan basi...x kesah la ape2 pn sbb korg sakit,klo sakit tu dtgnye dr prtner korg,so baik la korg move on dan tinggl je si dia tu...sanggup ke korg idup mcm tu untk berpuluh2 tahun lg...klo x snggp,baik sedih skali drpd di sakiti untk seumur hidup...(klo korg yg jenis ske sexs ganas tu laen cite ye...bnde2 yg involve mutual consent x dikira sbgai di sakiti...)

4th reason : You don't smile when u see him/her...
hurm...myb bunyi mcm x penting klo prasan,sumone yg dh ilang prsaan kt partner die x akn senyum bile die nmpk kelibat partner die...klo korg masih senyum bile nmpk muke die,tu mknenye msih ade harapan dlm relationship tu.sum1 xkn senyum bile die nmpk sum1 yg x penting dlm hidup die.kdg2 walaupn org tu xpenting mne,die ttp akn senyum...slalunye bile nk break,sum1 tu akn pilih untk break dlm phone je sbb bile jmpe hati akn cair bile tgk senyuman si dia...nmpk x bertapa hebat the power of smile tu???

5th reason : You cry more than you smile...
hari2 msti ade je bnde yg bwt nangis...xkesah la salah faham or salah satu pihak sje nk cari gduh.bile borak je msti nages.sme ade pasal bnde yg dh lepas,atau pn psl bende baru...mungkin jgk mcm ape yg aku tulis kt ats tadi,diorg ade sakitkn hati yg pasti,tujuan utama dlm percintaan iaitu untk hidup bahagia selama2nye x tercapai...matlamat dh jd terpesong menjadi tujuan bercinta untuk kumpul air mata semata2!

6th reason : Indifference
the opposite of love is not hatred,but indifference...ayt niyh mcm familiar...xkesah la dgr kt mne,tp sumpah ayt niyh betul...klo kite benci sum1 means that kite stil care n syg kt bile kite dh x rse ape2...tu mknenye kite dh x heran dgn die...sme la mcm kwn,klo die bwt prngai merepek,msti la kite kesah dgn ape yg die klo sum1 tu just sesape je kt tepi jln,aku x rse kie akn kesah psl die...same goes with the relationship.klo kite rse kite dh less concern about die,kite dh mcm mls nk dgr psl masalah die,ape yg die ckp semua rse mcm biase je...mse tu korg akn tau yg relationship korg dh smpi kt final stage...

7th reason : You try to find a reason to break up!
klo korg ade bwt bnde niyh,mknenye mmg xleh nk ckp ape la...sbb nmpk sgt korg mmg nk break.korg rse it's time to move on with other person or sbnrnye korg just nk jd indpndnt mungkin...just that korg xtau nk ckp kt partner korg yg korg nk break sbb mmg sbnrnye korg xde alasan nk break! hurm..mungkin tu la yg org kte' xde jodoh'... :(

*p/s : sbb br lepas exm,aritu ade bwt poem break up tp pki principle of law...sesuai untk semua bdk yg amik Law d serate dunia...walaupn aku tau blog aku niyh ade 2 org je yg bc...hahahahah... XD

Nervous Shock

At the time you said it’s over,
You may be liable for nervous shock I suffer,
As the proximity of our relationship is so clear,
But now you regarded me as a mere bystander…

You were there aftermath the fall of my tear,
The feel of love was perceive by your own sense dear,
Distinguish Alcock V Chief Constable of South Yorkshire,
What you did will remain in my heart forever…

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