Monday, May 23, 2011

Myth 8 : Never go back to your ex...

Hahahaha...msti ramai kt dunia niyh g couple arinie,esk break,luse couple blk sejam lps tu break pulak...yg tu kire laen case la ek...ape yg nk d smpaikn kt cni bkn psl couple yg psl yg couple,break for a while pastu couple blk...
Generally yg seseorg tu hanya boleh get over their ex after certain time byk yg blum jmpe yg br,or myb kdg2 dh jmpe yg br but decide untk blk dgn ex dirog blk...hurm...actually ade la beberape sebab knpe balik dgn ex x brpe elok untk relationship korg...

1. U are repeating the same mistake again...
It had been a mistake...klo x,xkn korg break mungkin bile dh break tu kite rse silap sbb lepaskn org yg kita sayang pergi...forget about all the good things ur ex had remember the main reason why u guys break up. and believe it or not,things will end up the same...korg akn break bwt kali kedua dgn alsan yg sme mse mule2 break dlu...

2. It's not a new relationship...
No fresh relationship,no new start,no new hope,nothing like a new born bby...myb most of you will tell each other "kite lupekn semua yg jd dlu...kite mulakn relationship yg br..." believe it or not,salah sorg dr korg akn ungkin blk cerite2 dr relationship yg lps...mule2 mungkin ungkit psl mse br knl,1st date punye tmpt mkn n all those stuff,tp bile b'borak makin lame, cerite makin meleret mula la di ungkit cerite2 yg xmmnrik hati mmg x la nk strt over again sbb bnde tu mmg almost impossible...once dh break,blah trus,its end there! xyh nk jmpe2 lg untk ape2 alasan pn waima untk pulang brg or ape2 skli pn...

3. You might hurt someone...
kebiasaannye lps break,semua org akn cari sumone yg diorg panggil 'rebound'...x kesah la si 'rebound' niyh is voluntarily or involuntarily,when u decided to go back to your ex again,u might hurt them...myb bnde niyh x penting untk couple yg dpt blk happy ending yg diorg idamkan selame ini,tp untk ape kebahagiaan yg di kecapi klo kite sebenarnye mengorbankn org laen...

4. People will show no respect for you...
When you decide on something,do stick with it...sgt memalukn bile perpisahan yg berlaku tu dh di canang satu dunia tp tibe2 si polan dan si polan sbnrnye dh berbaik2 blk...tmbh memalukn klo si polan dan si polan dh kluarkn aib masing2 dlm tempoh tgh break sekeliling akn ade satu tanggapan yg x brpe enak klo bnde2 mcm niyh untk avoid perkare yg x mnrik mcm niyh,baik pikir betul2 sebelum bwt satu keputusan...

Myb sesetgh org akn rse yg diorg break tu satu kesilapan,myb silap cakap or ape2...lps break,masing2 realised yg masing2 xleh idup tanpa satu sama laen...come on la,sbgai manusia,kite ttp boleh teruskn hidup walaupn tnpa org laen...jd tiada alasan yg kite xleh hidup tnpa kehadiran yg tersayg di sisi...kite semua milik Allah,semua akn kembali klo tuhan decide untk amik kite punyer yg tersayang,xkn kite nk ckp kite xleh hidup tnpa die????

P/S : poem niyh untk org yg betul2 dh bwt keputusan untk break...

It’s Your Choice

You’re not that hot,
You’re not that cool,
But I really love you,
And it’s not a fool…
I can see you,
But I can’t touch you…
I can feel you,
But I can’t have you…
No need for me to make a noise…
You make your choice…
It is your voice…


  1. kalau dok tinggal hok dok ensem, macangg mane nok dapak hok hensengg! :)

  2. klo nok sangat hok henseng,tinggl je ah hok dok enseng tu...skrg byok sangat hok muke burok,prangai pn burok...dr sakit hati dgn yg burok,baik sakit ati dgn yg least bile sakit hati,bleh tgk muke die.sejuk sket hati...hahahaha.. :D
