Thursday, April 28, 2011

Myth 7 : Only time can erase the pain...

A break up? what a emotional word for most of us...mmg scary klo break even walaupn hnya dlm mimpi,kita akn nanges guling2...xsemua la yg break sedih mcm tu...sbb stgh yg x sedih tu msti die break sbb die yg mntk break,myb jgk sbb die dh ade penggnti awal2 b4 break...x kesah la pasal case yg lg satu main point today is about the one who stil can't get over the break up...if u have at least one of these symptoms,maknenye korg stil x get over bnde tu lg...

*keep checking ur inbox (phone or email) and wish that ur ex name will appear...
*keep thinking about ur ex over and over again...
*your tears flooded your house...
*feel alone,depressed  n emotional most of the time...

*lost confidnt about urself...
*lost focus easily and have no aim in ur life...

Have one of those symptoms??? klo ye,comfirm korg stil can't get over ur past nk bwt mcm mne klo bnde dh xde jodoh...klo baik balik pn only few couple can make it mostly yg baik balik i bet it won't last...u guys will break up again with the same slalu kte yg hanya masa boleh mengubati kelukaan xkn nk nanges ari2 sementara nk tunggu masa tu ubat hati are some tips on how to get over a break up?

1.Delete him from ur life...
Delete number die,semua email n msg die dlm phone,gmba die,block die dr fb,buang brg2 yg die prnh bg,bg boxer n baju yg korg x smpt bg kt ex korg kt kwn2 korg or adik kwn korg n bwt je ape2 untk lupekn die...jgn tinggl sket pn bhn bukti yg die prnh wujud dlm hidup korg...
2.Let go ur emotion...
Jerit sekuat hati on top of the hill,nanges sekuat hati,jerit name ex korg n maki die sesuke hati or g main layang2...xkesah...bwt ape je yg korg rase bleh releasekn stress korg...jgn g bunuh ex korg sudah la...diff people ade diff cara nk releasekn perasaan yg terpendam...stgh org ske bercerite n stgh org ske menanges...klo korg rse diri pndi tulis novel,tulis la buku cite yg ending die ex korg mati accdnt dgn lori balak pastu myt die kne hempap dgn kayu balak kepale pecah and etc.etc...bwt la ape2 yg korg ske (tp jgn la smpi melampau2) aslkn korg rse tenang sket lps bwt bnde tu...

3. Love urself...
Klo korg rse dh xde org syg kt korg,then u should love ur self more than u do now...treat urself with a stunning and delicious meal (forget about calories count) or go for a vacation at Hawii,duk la presidntial suites mcm cite Forgetting Sarah Marshall,flirt all around and do whatever u like alone.xpn korg bleh try bungee jumping of ape2 bnde gile n extreme yg korg x prnh brni nk try selame me,with all those carzy activity,u will appreciate urself more than before...lgpn g mkn n jalan2 sorg msti la lg save dr g ramai2...

4. Appreciate ur friend..
kwn adalh kelompok korg yg sgt sng n byk mempengaruhi kite slps family...ade stgh org die ltk kwn die pling ats more than thier own family (tu case family yg x brpe bahagia la...) tp x kesah la korg msk dlm keadaan yg mne satu,yg penting klo korg ade kwn,korg akn tau bertapa penting value kwn dlm hidup korg...klo korg rase lonely n bosan,try to hang out with ur friend.spend time with them n try to love them more n more...biar smpi korg rse diorg la manusia pling best yg ade dlm idup korg...pepatah cina ade ckp 'sat lun tai sai' yg mksud die kind of mcm org putus cinta bleh bwt ape2 je klo kwn korg yg memahami n berpegang pada pepatah cina niyh...comfirm diorg akn ikot je ape yg korg nk even korg ajk diorg tgk cite tamil tanpa subtitle kt wayng pn diorg akn redha je...

5. make new friends,find a new one..
some people may call it reboud..but sometimes rebound pn boleh jd serious klo korg rse die rebound,jgn la couple...scndal je sudeyh...sbb nnt tkot x fair untk pihak yg akn sengsara tu bile tau yg diorg sbnrnye hanyala seorg rebound... klo xnk ade scndal pn kwn je la dgn semua org...add semua org kt fb,approve semua yg add korg..xkesah la mcm mne care korg nk dpt kn kwn baru yg pnting korg ade kwn baru...myb ade yg akn ckp korg merepek or desperate tp xslh pn klo knl ramai org...korg akn kenal mcm2 org yg prngai pelik2 n bwt korg scry untk coupl dgn org sewenang2 pada mse akn datng...

6. Try to have new commitment...
A relationship is a commitment n when u lost it,u will lost ur aim in ur klo korg dh ilng satu commitment,try to find other thing that can make u commit to it...contohnye jd penanyi je,smbung blaja ke,msk pertndingn ratu cntik or ape2 je la yg bwt korg rse korg ade commitmnt br yg mnrik n boleh bwt korg lupekn ex korg...

Love of All Season

Autum leaves fall together…
Seem to know about me, you and her…
Freeze me in the winter,
As I couldn’t stand any longer…
Flowers color the spring,
White lies become the only hope you bring…
Laying in the summer warmth,
Wishing I was there in your arm…


  1. siot je mmg aku la kan yg bg boxer,baju.pastu bg dkt adik kwn plak tu!hahahha

  2. hahahahaa...mungkin aku ckp psl org sbb die x bc blog aku,jd die x terase...sbb ko je yg bc,ko je la yg terase... :D

  3. xperlu begitu nabilah(tettt tersebut name.haha.).sume org xpe.boleh dijadikan teladan.HAHA
