Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Myth 6 : What past is past...

Is it true yg kita x patut ungkit semua relationship silam b4 this current relationship? hurm...myb its true,tp selalunye stgh mmg sgt suke ckp psl ex...tp knpe ek?

Reason 1 : I want you to treat me better...
sometime people akn tend to ungkit ape yg dh jd dlm relationship yg lepas dlm this current relationship...for exmple if a man sanggup jalan kaki dari kedah ke penang just untk bagi tisu kt ex die (yg mse tu gf die) yg tgh selseme kt penang mse tu,msti la gf yg skrg nk tau whether he is willing to the same for her of not...klo laki tu x sanggup,reasonble man akn bagi satu jwpn yg sme which is "die syg ex die lbh dr kau!"

Reason 2 : I want to tell you that i treat u better...
sometime dlm sedar x sedar kite tend to bgtau die yg "i lyn u mcm ank raje...x cam ex u yg lyn u mcm sampah tu..." tp of course la stgh org xkn bg ayat sebijik yg di atas...sebagai org melayu yg penuh adab dan sopan,semua bende pn kite nk bg double meaning...so akn jadi la ayat yg mcm "i bwtkn nasi beryiani ayam merah kt u,ur ex prnh msk kt u?"...bnde2 mcm niyh pn bleh jd gaduh walaupn bnde niyh hanya sekadar pertanyaan...tp phm2 je la motif sebenar pertanyaan tu di buat ade satu sbb je...hanya nk bgtau partner kite "i syg u lbh dr ur ex...so don't u ever leave me..."

Reason 3 : I just want to hear you say that i'm better...
Semua manusia akn ade insecure feeling dlm hati diorg...n semua manusia jugak akn hope for a better one after losing something...some people just wanna talk about their partner ex because they want to hear from their partner itself  yg "yes syg,u r the best gf i ever have..."-yes it may be a white lies from someone to their partner bcoz sometimes it may not be true,but one thing for sure it can make your partner smile!

Let u decide

Tonight something had make me cry,
Crying on something that had die,
Wondering the value of my love in your eye,
It is the thing you keep to deny…

Tonight something makes me couldn’t sleep,
There are things that I need to take a peek,
As you action would never be able to speak,
For the long time it had make me sick…

Tonight I’m thinking about the future,
Is there a chance for us to be with each other?
When things have never been any better,
Or should we be like this forever…

Tonight I will leave it for you to decide,
Whether you and I want to continue the fight,
Worst to lose the face of both in forever sight,
Or for us to feel the kiss of good night…

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